2021 is Covid-Free

We are delighted to announce that, following a clear round of post-course lateral flow tests, our 2021 course has been declared a Covid Free Event.

Course Health & Safety Officer, Mark Spotswood commented “The Bolsover International Brass Band Summer School has been a Covid-19 free event. This was only achieved due to the adoption of rigorous pre / post event lateral flow testing regimes, the completion of a covid questionnaire by all individuals participating in the event, robust cleaning / sanitising procedures, the adoption of social distancing measures and periodic temperature checks. I would like to place on record my personal thanks to all delegates and event staff for their co-operation in supporting these measures and helping the event organisers deliver an event that was covid secure.”

We are so pleased that the delegates that took the brave step of committing to the course were able to enjoy a week of excellent music making, while playing their part in keeping themselves, the staff and their fellow delegates safe.

The fact that they have all arrived home Covid-free fills us with the optimism of having the correct procedures and mechanisms in place to deliver events in similar circumstances in the future.

Places for the 2022 course are already in extremely short supply, so go to www.eibbss.org.uk to secure your seat.